Making Espresso Tests More Understandable and Reusable

Do you write Espresso tests? If so, you need to read this article! In this article, we will discuss a simple best practice for making Espresso tests more understandable and reusable: encapsulating complex matchers in functions. This can lead to a number of benefits, including increased developer productivity, reduced bug count, and improved test coverage. So if you want to write better Espresso tests, be sure to read this article!


Espresso is a powerful tool for testing Android applications. However, it can be difficult to write Espresso tests that are both understandable and reusable. In this blog post, we will discuss a best practice for making Espresso tests more understandable and reusable: encapsulating complex matchers in functions.


Espresso matchers can be complex, making it difficult to understand what a test is trying to do. For example, the following matcher checks to see if a view with the text “Link preview title” is displayed inside a conversation:

onView(allOf(withText("Link preview title"), isDescendantOfA(withId(

This matcher is difficult to understand because it requires the reader to understand two separate concepts:

  • The withText() matcher checks to see if a view has a specific text.
  • The isDescendantOfA(withId( matcher checks to see if a view is a descendant of a specific view.


To make this matcher more understandable, we can encapsulate the isDescendantOfA(withId( matcher in a function:

fun insideConversation(): ViewMatcher<View> = isDescendantOfA(withId(

onView(allOf(withText("Link preview title"), insideConversation()))

This makes the matcher much easier to understand because it only requires the reader to understand one concept:

  • The withText() matcher checks to see if a view has a specific text.


There are two main benefits to encapsulating complex matchers in functions:

  • Understandability: Encapsulating complex matchers in functions makes it easier for readers to understand what a test is trying to do.
  • Reusability: Encapsulated matchers can be reused in multiple tests, which can save time and effort.

Business Perspective

From a business perspective, making Espresso tests more understandable and reusable can lead to the following benefits:

  • Increased developer productivity: Easier-to-understand tests can be written and maintained more quickly, which can lead to increased developer productivity.
  • Reduced bug count: Reusable matchers can help developers write more comprehensive and robust tests, which can lead to a reduced bug count.
  • Improved test coverage: Easier-to-understand tests are more likely to be run, which can lead to improved test coverage.


Encapsulating complex matchers in functions is a simple best practice that can make Espresso tests more understandable and reusable. This can lead to a number of benefits, including increased developer productivity, reduced bug count, and improved test coverage.