Posts in 2018
  • No sleeping during testing RxJava app!

    Monday, November 26, 2018 in Android

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    During development of Android tests you’ve probably used Thread.sleep(). This seems reasonable solution at the first place, but after a while you get to a very wired issues.

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  • Solve your problems with time during Android Integration test

    Tuesday, November 06, 2018 in Android

    Featured Image for Solve your problems with time during Android Integration test
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    When you develop a real-life app with integrations tests you probably faced a problem that time is moving :) It doesn’t matter if you develop an alarm clock or a feed app that is less related to time, I’m almost 100% sure that app is more or less time-related.

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  • Using schedulers while testing your code

    Tuesday, February 27, 2018 in Android

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    While testing RxJava code it’s very important to choose a correct Scheduler class so your tests are reliable and fast. I’d like to present a few use cases.

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  • Errors... oh... those errors - coding

    Tuesday, February 27, 2018 in Android

    Featured Image for Errors... oh... those errors - coding
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    Some time ago, I wrote an article about how important it is to handle errors in a nice way. In the article “Errors… oh… those errors”, I made a promise that there would be a continuation with coding examples. This is it.

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  • How to find StackOverflowError's

    Wednesday, February 07, 2018 in Android

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    Sometimes in your crash reporting tool you see StackOverflowErrors breaks down the app on some device models. Some of them don’t occur on your device or the issues come about in unexpected non-reproducible circumstances. I’ll give you some tips that allow finding the errors more easily.

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  • A nice reader/writer pattern

    Monday, January 15, 2018 in Android

    Featured Image for A nice reader/writer pattern
    Photo by Patrick Lindenberg on Unsplash

    During the development of a chat app, I had to implement some kind of lock logic. Usually, locking/unlocking code is hard to follow. If complex business logic uses complicated locking, your code becomes unreadable and unmaintainable. However, there is a pattern that can help you writing readable locking/unlocking code.

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  • Kotlin and RxJava with extension functions

    Sunday, January 07, 2018 in Android

    Featured Image for Kotlin and RxJava with extension functions
    Image from unsplash

    This is an introduction to some patterns that can be helpful during an implementation of Android applications that operate on any structured data, especially downloaded from APIs.

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